Walk By Faith: Embracing the Courage to Step Forward

Walk By Faith: Embracing the Courage to Step Forward
In the extraordinary account of Jesus walking on water, we find not just a miracle, but a profound invitation to each of us to walk by faith. This story, a vivid illustration of faith and fear, challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and to trust in the unseen.

Just as Peter saw Jesus walking on the turbulent sea, we too are often called to step out into the unknown, to places that seem daunting or impossible. This scene is a powerful metaphor for life’s storms and our response to divine calls that seem to defy logic and reason.

The initial courage that Peter showed, stepping out of the boat, is a testament to the strength that faith can bring. He walked on water, not by his own power, but by keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus. This teaches us an essential truth: our ability to navigate life’s challenges is not so much about our strength, but about where we place our trust.

However, the moment Peter diverted his attention to the storm, he began to sink. This illustrates a critical aspect of our faith journey. Like Peter, we often start with confidence, but when faced with the realities of our circumstances, fear and doubt creep in. The lesson here is clear: our focus should remain steadfast on Christ, especially when the winds of uncertainty blow.

The beauty of this story lies not just in the miracle of walking on water, but in Jesus’ response to Peter's wavering faith. Jesus didn’t chastise him for trying; instead, He reached out to save him, reminding him of the need for unwavering faith. This is a comforting reminder that even when our faith falters, Christ is there to uphold us.

As we reflect on this biblical narrative, we are reminded that walking by faith requires courage to step out of our comfort zones. It’s about facing our fears, not denying them. Like flowers that bloom by turning towards the sun, we are called to turn towards the light of Christ, embracing our purpose and potential.

In your life, what does it mean to walk by faith? Are there areas where you feel called to step out of the boat and trust in God's guidance, even when the destination is not fully visible? Remember, walking by faith is not the absence of fear, but the decision to move forward despite the fear, knowing that with each step, Jesus is there to guide and support us.

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How have you walked by faith in your life? Your story might be the encouragement someone needs to take their first step out of the boat. Let’s inspire each other with our journeys of faith, courage, and trust in the One who calls us to walk on water. 🤍✨

P.S. Dive deeper into the 'Walk By Faith' journey with our latest print, now available here.


  • Demetria Vassilaros -

    Jesus took me out from the road of destruction with my health and put me on solid ground. I am a former addict and He saved me from a heart attack about to happen. I trust Him with my life today, this happened back in 20/4 and I’ve been used to encourage others who face such trauma. 2014. Psalm 23 is always my favorite Psalm besides 91. Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff are with me. Amen 🙏

  • Cary -

    Our trials with the enemy wiles sometimes are constant, to keep us from reaching our goals and loves. Our Lord always said “The enemy has had no power over me” As so it is, we look up! He is there to give us his hand and assistance. Faith and Trust are paramount in our lives . Focus , no fear, he is right there to take our hand.

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