Join the Battle: Stand Firm in Faith Against Darkness!

Join the Battle: Stand Firm in Faith Against Darkness!

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

Standing Firm in Faith: A Call to Spiritual Warfare

As I reflect on my life, my ministry, and the guiding principles of my company, one resounding truth echoes through: We are engaged in a relentless, intense battle against the kingdom of darkness. This battle is not a mere reaction to the enemy's aggressions; it is an active, determined war that we wage against his illegitimate authority and malign influence in this world.

Who Shall Stand Against the Lord?

Who dares to challenge the sovereignty of our Lord God and seek worship for themselves? The answer is clear: demonic and satanic spirits, along with Satan himself, who aim to usurp the divine authority. However, their fate is sealed, destined to be cast down before the mighty throne of God. And until that glorious day of reckoning, my life and my work serve as a constant reminder to these forces of darkness of their inevitable downfall.

The Role of Christians in Spiritual Warfare

Too often, Christians perceive themselves as weak soldiers, merely holding the line in a defensive stance in this cosmic battle. However, this perspective overlooks the dynamic, powerful role we are called to play. We must remember the Lord our God, stand tall with courage, and arm ourselves with His powerful Word. Our eyes should be firmly set on the Lord, not in fear, but with the resolve to overcome and conquer the enemy, because the war has already been won! We only need to come into alignment and agreement with what has already been FINISHED!

Our battle is not one of uncertainty or despair; it is a battle fought from the position of victory. As believers, we are not scrambling for triumph; we are enforcing it. This change in perspective is crucial. It shifts us from a mindset of defense to one of offense. We are not merely resisting; we are reclaiming, occupying, and establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.

The victory was sealed on the Cross. Now, our fight is to walk in that victory, to manifest it in our lives, and to bring others into the glorious freedom and truth of Christ. It's time for us to step up as warriors equipped and empowered by God, taking our stand and advancing the Kingdom with every step of faith.

So, let’s embrace our identity as mighty warriors in Christ. The battle cry has sounded; the victory is ours. Let's march forward with confidence, proclaiming His truth and demonstrating His power in every area of our lives.

The Spirit of God Within Us

The Spirit of God is not a dormant force within us; it is alive, vibrant, and ever-ready to aid in the deliverance of His people. If we could only perceive the readiness of God to act on our behalf, our approach to spiritual challenges would be transformed.

Embracing the Fire for Deeper Faith

Do not fear the trials and tribulations, the metaphorical fires we must walk through. These experiences serve to deepen our understanding of God's faithfulness. Emerging from these trials, our faith is stronger, our conviction firmer.

Reclaiming Our Divine Inheritance

The time is now to take back the territory that rightfully belongs to the Lord. This is not just a call to action; it is a divine mandate. We, as followers of Christ, are to reclaim what is His by defeating the darkness with the light of His truth.

Let us stand united in this spiritual warfare, armed with faith, bolstered by His Word, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37). My life, until my last breath, is dedicated to this spiritual battle. I encourage each of you to join in this fight with conviction and strength. Together, let's shine as beacons of His light in a world overshadowed by darkness.

Pause to Reflect:

As we each face our daily battles, both seen and unseen, I invite you to pause and reflect. How are you engaging in this spiritual warfare? Are you standing firm in your faith, armed with the Word of God, and moving forward with the confidence that comes from knowing Him?

Consider the ways you can actively participate in reclaiming the territory for the Kingdom of God. Reflect on the power of the Spirit within you and how you can use your gifts, your voice, and your life to make a difference in this ongoing battle.

I urge you to take a moment today to ponder your role in this divine narrative. How will you rise to the call of being a warrior for Christ? Share your thoughts, your commitments, and your prayers with our community, as we join hands in this critical mission.

Together, let's inspire and encourage each other to walk in faith, stand in truth, and fight the good fight. Your reflections and insights are valuable; they not only bolster your own faith journey but also serve to strengthen our collective resolve.


  • Monica -

    Aloha my Church family, Im so encouraged to read your letter to us Vanessa. The timing is fab, as I have lately been in such prayer and adoration for our sweet Lord to help us realize we cannot sit back any-longer and let the Devil do his thing. It’s time, It’s go time.. for the children of the kingdom to rise and yessss fight with our armor on and defeat the powers of darkness. Let us ALL Pray and stay strong in what We know He can do. Defeat is the word that needs to become action. We have in Him the power to conquer and live free from the adversary and all his trickxxxx. Amen ?? Yes its go time !!! love you all, see you in sky soon. Vanessa keep drawing you help us all with you beautiful paintings know that Our King awaits very very sooooon. Blessings..

  • Eddy Damas -

    2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

  • Teresa Murphy -

    Praise & Thank Our Heavenly Father God for your bold proclamation and faith Dear Sister Vanessa 🙏🏽 I was trying to post a photo of a saying…
    “We Are Not Warriors Because We Choose To Be. We Are Warriors Because God Has Called Us To Be!”
    May WE as the Bride Of Christ, put on the Full Armor Of God, being filled & empowered by The Holy Spirit, and covered in protection by the Mighty Powerful & Saving Blood Of Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savior, Go Forth Boldly with Strength & Courage which comes by our Faith, and let us storm the gates of hell 🙏🏽💕💝 Let US, Bold Warriors, charge into the fire to grab hold of the captives and grant them Hope & Salvation through the Mighty Power Of Our God & King, and set them FREE in Christ Jesus 🙏🏽💝🙏🏽 AMEN!

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